A Day Like No Other


Today is like no other in history. There are some resemblances to other days gone by, but now we live in a world that is much different. Life is not so simple anymore. It may never be again because of world events and more movement all over the world in general. Bringing more of the world into our …



You know our lives are mirrors and are a reflection of who we are. We show others the kind of person we are in the way we act and the way we speak. Deep inside of us is the reflection of what we are made of. Do you know what your reflection is showing? Do you know what you are really like inside? …

How God Works in a Life


You know, it really is amazing how much God loves us and how much He desires to be a part of helping us with the way we run our lives. Several years ago, God placed me in a job that I knew little about. Even though I had several temptations to leave that profession, I somehow felt that God wanted …

Investing for Others


Robert Morrison was born into an agricultural family in 1780. He was an average student and a very hard worker. At age 15, Robert gave his life to Christ and devoted most of his time after work to studying the Bible and praying, seeking God’s will for his life even through the night. Robert noticed …

The Worst Form of Cancer


When we hear the word “cancer,” it sends our world into disarray. It doesn’t matter if it concerns us or someone we know, our hearts hurt and our minds wander. It is certain that we will either have to make or help someone else make some pretty tough decisions. There are different forms of this …

What is Gained Through Prayer


What is gained through prayer must be maintained through prayer. How many times has someone you know (or you yourself) ran out of answers? Problems have overtaken their lives to the point that they are ready to go to church and draw close to God because there are no options left. We are all guilty …

Trying to Get to Heaven on a Treadmill


Everyone knows what a treadmill is. Probably some of you have one. A treadmill basically keeps you from getting somewhere. You are pretending to walk or run forward. It is a great machine that helps a lot of people stay in shape. I believe the idea of the treadmill is also what many people are on …

Religion Without Jesus


It is pretty simple because that’s what you get when Jesus is left out of any equation in life- some manmade religious belief. Jesus and God’s Word go together because Jesus is the Living Word. Each week across this world many services that are held at church locations are nothing more than …

It Must Be Personal


Jesus said as He went to the cross that He came to make all things new. The old was finished at the cross, the new began. When Jesus came on the scene, everything changed. God made Himself as man in the life of His only Son to make a once-and-for-all sacrifice for all people’s sin. Satan …

Do Not Let The Days


I know we have many concerns about what is going on, and yes, things are going to happen- things we may not enjoy or wish we could avoid. The Christian cannot let what’s going on affect what God plans to do with them. This is time for the Christians to be on duty. It is the Christian who has the …

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