Praise Over Prayer


Psalms 50:23 -- Whoever offers praise glorifies me and to him who orders his conduct alright, I will show the salvation of God.   Along with prayer comes the other key ingredient to having a fulfilling prayer life, and that is the area of praise. God always knows our hearts in every situation, and …

The Only One Authority


The God who created you and set this universe into motion is the same God who holds your life securely within His loving hands. When problems arise and we cannot see clearly, the one thing that restores a sense of peace and rest is the realization that God is in control. In every set of …



Only when God’s people are willing to pay whatever price is necessary to fulfill the call of God on their lives and become vessels of God’s power and glory to help mankind, and only by serving God in the ministry He has called each of us to and already prepared for us, can we reap the rewards. …



For much to go on in the world there has to be connections among people so that goods can be produced and moved, exchanges made. This all comes about from people connecting with others all over the world. These connections affect us all at times. Did you ever think about how connecting with God …

Believe or Go Nowhere


If we don’t really believe God for just who He is, then we won’t have the power to believe God for our prayers to be answered. The quicker we realize that God doesn’t dance to our tune, the better off our prayer life will be. God wants to touch lives through prayer- and in fact that’s the major way …

You Can Be Used!


Some Christians have reached out to God many times, while others only a few. Then there are some who have cried out to God because their struggles are many. Whatever the situation, hearts are heavy because past sins have been many. There are times when we all struggle with past feelings and …

Your Life is Not Over When You Die


Whether a person believes it or not, God did create us. Every person God made was his decision to create and place into this world through an earthly man and woman. You didn’t get to choose how you got here, but after you were born and given the breath of life and began to grow, you started to make …

God Has No Limit


There is absolutely nothing that can be presented to God that He is not able to handle. In every situation, no matter how small, the first thing we need to do is contact God and ask Him to direct us to the people and places where answers lie. Proverbs 19:8 says, “He who gets wisdom loves his own …

A Day Like No Other


Today is like no other in history. There are some resemblances to other days gone by, but now we live in a world that is much different. Life is not so simple anymore. It may never be again because of world events and more movement all over the world in general. Bringing more of the world into our …



You know our lives are mirrors and are a reflection of who we are. We show others the kind of person we are in the way we act and the way we speak. Deep inside of us is the reflection of what we are made of. Do you know what your reflection is showing? Do you know what you are really like inside? …

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