Grace in Vain


God has made every person ever born and He has selected each one for a purpose and by whom their parents would be. The scripture tells us in 1 Corinthians that “He gives each seed its own body.” He therefore makes the choice of our parents- not us; for our parents will have the necessary genes or …

We Must Disappear


All of us like to be seen or known by others and almost everyone at one time or another likes to be noticed. So when we are, what is it that people see; what kind of person are you? Who are you when you are noticed by others? The Bible tells us of a different way and it’s with only a few words: in …

Why Do They?


When we are brought into this world, we are born into physical life by a man and a woman. For a time we remain under the grace of God, until there is a time- and it’s different for each person- where we reach the age of accountability. This is where we realize sin and the option of sin or salvation …

The Authority of the Call


2 nd Timothy 1:9 - Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted to us in Christ Jesus for all eternity. Every person is called by God to do certain things while here on earth. We are not here to coast …

Sin Separates


Have you ever had a very close friend, and then as time went along something caused a division in this once-close relationship? Many of us may remember having this happen to us at least once in our life. We all have had good friends who were close in many ways, even spent some cherished times …

Fearful Times of Joy


There are some very interesting experiences one will have as we journey through this life. There are those who trust God and know they are secure in His care, but could lose the very joy they would have if only they would put their trust where it belongs. In John 15:11, Jesus says, May the joy …

The Fruit of Salvation


There are some people who believe that they can come to salvation, and that is all they need to get to heaven. But where do you find that explanation in the Bible? In fact, the Bible does give us references about our lives’ salvation and a life lived for Christ. Let’s take a look at John 15:2; it …

What Is Your Source?


There’s still quite a few people that go to church every week, and still many searching for something they just can’t find; yet at all times, it’s probably close by. If you think that going to church each week and hearing a pastor’s sermon is all you need, you’ll be nothing more than a spiritual …

The Christian and the Casino


There is a growing population of our so-called school fundraisers; by another name they are called casinos. Right now in the county next to where I live there are 13. I’ve heard some of the smaller ones state they bring in over a million dollars a week. Where is that money coming from? There are …

The Scars of a Father's Love


One afternoon, a young boy decided to go swimming in a shallow lake near his home in Florida. Just after he jumped in and started to swim, his father noticed an alligator and began calling to his son. The alligator began to come toward the boy and the boy saw him. He began to swim toward the bank, …

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