Powerful Words


Prayer is not an exercise; it is the most powerful way of worship when done from a heart that is seeking God’s way in ones life. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 16:19 that He has given the very keys to heaven and that they can unlock the very power and resources we need; it all begins in …

What Regrets Will We Have?


The Bible tells us that mankind is appointed to die here on earth, but this is not our final destination. You and I have watched people pass away, and death is a difficult part of life. Sometimes more so than others, depending on the person and the life they’ve lived here. Now, for most of you, …

Is it God in Whom We Still Trust?


America was founded to give people the right and freedom to worship the God of the Bible - freedom to worship the God of the universe without the mandates of the state or government, and freedom to go to a church unaffected by political correctness. Many people no longer see a reason for God to be …

Why Are the Righteous Taken So Soon?


Have you ever wondered why the righteous are taken so soon? This is a question that has always troubled me, as I’m sure it has troubled others. Why do we see a godly person die at an age when they should have lots of years left to live? I don’t know that I have the answer and have to remind myself …

Our Desire vs God's Desire


Is it wrong to want to have a nice house or enjoy some of the pleasures of life? No, I don’t believe so. God is not a harsh taskmaster requiring that we don’t get to enjoy this life to an extent. You see, it’s mainly about why we want what we want and how we go about getting what we want that is …

Delayed Gratification


How many of us want it now: that new house or new car? It could be a variety of different things, but most of us want it now. That’s what seems to be most important to a good portion of the American people. Many people believe that they work to accumulate possessions and to live the life they want. …

Your Inheritance


Many people in life really miss so much of living it out. They spend so much of their time trying to build for this world or fight for a piece of what they can never really possess. They fight and struggle for survival or getting ahead; while at the same time fall further away from their real …

The Thing You're Looking For


If only you really knew how much God cares for you- if you would ever allow yourself to grasp the idea that God is very interested in your life all the time- maybe you’d live differently. The very thing you spend your life seeking has always been close by, yet the ways and troubles of the world are …

Direction Without Purpose


Every day I see people who think they are living “the life,” building this or that for their little empire here on earth. I see some people who seem only to try and survive in places of life where they have no other option. You and I both know people experience life in different ways. How we all …



In a day there are thousands of promises made to people, and many will never be kept. Many people are quick to respond to others with promises to do something yet never followed through, therefore leaving many hurt and let down because some friend or family member didn’t keep their word. …

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