Where is Your Respect Level?

Lots of church people say they love God and believe in Jesus, but what about their respect for God?

In Luke 7:2-10, we find the account of a military commander called a “centurion,” who had a sick servant. The centurion, who had heard of Jesus, sent one of the elders to ask Jesus to come to his home and heal the servant.

When Jesus was only a short distance away from his home, the centurion met Him, saying, “I am not worthy for you to come into my home, for you are holy. If you would just speak the words, I know he will be healed” (paraphrased). The centurion respected Jesus’ position and authority. Jesus healed the servant because of the centurion’s faith in Him.

Are you following the centurion’s example of respectfulness for the person of Jesus Christ? Do you recognize Jesus as the Holy one He truly is? Do you see Him as just a man and only as a religious symbol, or is He the Son of God? Is He God’s gift to mankind who can heal our sickness, save our sins and totally change our lives if we will allow Him?

Many people disrespect Jesus by trying to make Him fit their image and trying to put Him in a box (limit His power). They call on Him only when they will benefit.

Be thankful that Jesus is who He is. Believing that Jesus is God in the flesh, sent from Heaven, and is able to save us from our sins and heal us of our transgressions gives us a life truly worth living.