KNEO Mobile App
Listen to KNEO with our live stream player, access our sports portal to watch High School sports, check out our programming schedule, listen to many of our programs On Demand, or check out our sports calendar, podcasts and much more! Christian Talk FM is also available with this app and it's program schedule as well. You can enjoy KNEO on your iPad, iPhone, and Android devices 24/7!
KNEO and Alexa
Alexa is a lot more family oriented! Click the link below and enable the skill for KNEO and our KNEO Sports Network. Once you enable the skill you can then listen to KNEO and KNEO Sports Network on your echo and Alexa-enabled devices by saying, "Alexa, play KNEO Sports Network" or "Alexa, play KNEO The Word".

If you already have the RadioFM App downloaded, or would like to have an app that has multiple radio station listening possibilites, you can listen to us as well as many others with the RadioFM App. You can find us by searching KNEO, and you can also find Christian Talk FM there as well by searching it by name.

You can also stream us on our website at www.kneo.org. A player will open statically or click Listen Live at the top of the page.

You can also stream us through a partnership with TransWorld Radio. You can visit the page and stream us HERE.