
The Christian Life

The Last Should Be Better


This question, I believe, is a must, especially in a Christian’s life: How will you finish out your last days on earth? Ecclesiastes 7:8 talks of …

How Polished Are You


Have you ever wondered why maybe some people are not used of God or maybe why you are not used more? The answer could very well be found in Isaiah …

A Holy Person


Could you say that you truly know or are a holy person, one that has been seasoned by God and full of the spiritual ways of God’s Kingdom? In the …

Do Not Imprison God


Your life has great value here on earth. You’re not just a social security number or a name to receive mail from the post office. God has ordained …

The Object of Being a Christian


Why does a person want to become a Christian? I wonder how many people really considered the true reasons behind such a decision. I believe the two …

What if God had it all?


Now that’s a strange question, for most assume that He does. But does He? You see, what I’m talking about is: Does God really have all of most …

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