The Christian Life
3/24/25The average person makes from 300-1,700 decisions each day. What opportunities for psychics! People don’t like to make decisions on their own. This …
Cooking the Spiritual Books
3/14/25We all know what it means when someone is being dishonest with money, and the term “cooking the books” lets us know that someone that oversees this …
The Sand or the Rock
3/03/25How you conduct your life is how you will build on future events that will affect your life and even others. Everyone’s life will be tested at times …
Dwelling Together in Unity
2/25/25This statement used to have a more general meaning than it has today. You find the scripture to this in Psalm 133:1 where it says, “Behold how good …
The Last Should Be Better
2/17/25This question, I believe, is a must, especially in a Christian’s life: How will you finish out your last days on earth? Ecclesiastes 7:8 talks of …
How Polished Are You
2/13/25Have you ever wondered why maybe some people are not used of God or maybe why you are not used more? The answer could very well be found in Isaiah …