
The Christian Life



The average person makes from 300-1,700 decisions each day. What opportunities for psychics! People don’t like to make decisions on their own. This …

Cooking the Spiritual Books


We all know what it means when someone is being dishonest with money, and the term “cooking the books” lets us know that someone that oversees this …

The Sand or the Rock


How you conduct your life is how you will build on future events that will affect your life and even others. Everyone’s life will be tested at times …

Dwelling Together in Unity


This statement used to have a more general meaning than it has today. You find the scripture to this in Psalm 133:1 where it says, “Behold how good …

The Last Should Be Better


This question, I believe, is a must, especially in a Christian’s life: How will you finish out your last days on earth? Ecclesiastes 7:8 talks of …

How Polished Are You


Have you ever wondered why maybe some people are not used of God or maybe why you are not used more? The answer could very well be found in Isaiah …

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