
The Christian Life

Where is Your Respect Level?


Lots of church people say they love God and believe in Jesus, but what about their respect for God? In Luke 7:2-10, we find the account of a military …

What Gets Your Attention?


There are a lot of “attention getters” out there today. We have to be careful not to fall into the traps some of these “attention getters” set for …

Six Words


How many of us pretty much do what we want to do? Most people, if they are honest, would say that most of their time is spent doing what is important …

Handling Criticism


I don’t know many people who like to be criticized. It seems to rub most people the wrong way, even when it is meant to be constructive. Criticism …

Am I Too Busy?


Yes, life is busy, and lots of people have their plate full most days. Watch people, examine their lives, and you will see what matters to them the …

You Can't Go Wrong with God


Have you ever tried to put an event or party together only to have what you worked so hard on to be a success turn out to be a flop? It happens at …

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