Sometimes the Price is Great

“If I hadn’t done that…”

“If I had just waited…”

“Why didn’t I listen?”

Sound familiar?

Each of us think back to times where only if we had done it another way, things today would probably be much different concerning various decisions, opportunities and circumstances of the past.

This was what the people had to face in Ezra’s day. The story is found in Ezra 3:10-13. Here we find the temple has to be rebuilt after years of it lying in ruins, and when it was being rebuilt and being dedicated, the scripture says the people shouted and praised the Lord because the foundation of God’s house was being laid again. But the next verse says many households and leaders who remembered the first temple wept with a loud voice. Why? Because they remember back to a time where they wish they had done things differently. For many of us, we’ve been at that point before.

The story goes on and the temple is eventually restored, and so are we if we will always let God in His wise ways help us. He can and will rearrange our lives in such a way that we can do things we would never imagine could even be fixed.

With God, things will come to pass just like they were always supposed to. God is never finished with us, even when we are with ourselves. I’m a perfect example, and you can be one as well. If you really want Him to, He will rebuild and restore.

Categories: Hope>, The Christian Life>