

Sometimes the Price is Great


“If I hadn’t done that…” “If I had just waited…” “Why didn’t I listen?” Sound familiar? Each of us think back to times where only if we had done it …

Only One Has the Full Power


There is an interesting account of who Jesus is in the first chapter of Mark. As we read verses 9 through 43, we are amazingly introduced to the …

Confusion, Reality and Our Destiny


Some people don’t recognize the one true God or follow His teachings. They turn to earthly teachings and man’s rules, believe the lies and practice …

Wandering from the Cross


The cross has been a symbol of Christianity for centuries. The cross represents God’s work through His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ. Churches …

Why Won't We Look to Who Can Help?


In a day when there is much to shake the foundations of government, it still surprises me at how our elected and appointed officials scramble to find …

Laboring for Nothing


Isaiah 49:4 is an interesting scripture that says, “But I said, ‘I’ve toiled in vain. I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity, yet surely the …

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