Mankind Changes - God Does Not

For some reason, there are some people who believe that God no longer heals.

They don’t want to pay attention to the scripture that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. They don’t remember that God never changes.

But mankind tries to change what God says. Not God. When we say that God no longer heals, it’s the same as saying God no longer saves. There are way too many people sick and dying prematurely because they believe what man says about believing God to heal or set them free from some bondage, and that’s got their whole life messed up.

I studied many of the greatest evangelists and preachers of all time and have seen the reports of how tuberculosis was healed in an instant, how a person blind could see again. I’ve heard time and time again of how cancer was there one day and gone the next.

Only God can do this. It is through Jesus, the Great Physician, who said “all things are possible to those that will believe.”

Jesus said that it is by faith in the Kingdom of God; and if we doubt, we kill faith. If you are plagued by problems, remember that Jesus is real. He can do what you and no other can.

But you have to believe. You must trust. Bury yourself in His Word. Get all negative voices of the world away from influencing you. Pray and talk to God daily.

Jesus said that His people will do greater things in the lives of others. That could be you.

Categories: Hope>