

Nothing is New to God


Our Creator, the one who has created all things, also knows all things; even that of the inevitability of the future. We don’t see what all tomorrow …

Our Journey Never Has to End


Some people will go through life and never really tap into their purpose for others. They will have experiences that were devoted or orchestrated to …

Fearful Times of Joy


There are some very interesting experiences one will have as we journey through this life. There are those who trust God and know they are secure in …

The Scars of a Father's Love


One afternoon, a young boy decided to go swimming in a shallow lake near his home in Florida. Just after he jumped in and started to swim, his father …



Everyone has them now and then, some of us struggle with them, and certain daily occurrences can cause us to have one. Yes, those attitudes we can …

You Win Regardless of the Score


That sounds nice: to never be on the loosing end. Well it can be that way, and it is when you’re on the right team. Some people would like to switch …

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