

Laboring for Nothing


Isaiah 49:4 is an interesting scripture that says, “But I said, ‘I’ve toiled in vain. I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity, yet surely the …

God's Plans are Selected


If you believe in God then you should believe He has plans for our lives and how we live them. God is never going to force His ways on anyone. It is …

He Is All


God is the true Father of mankind. He is God, and He alone created you. He knew you before you were ever born. He picked your earthly parents and He …

Sometimes We Just Need a Friend


Neither worldly treasures nor anyone in the world will ever truly satisfy one’s inward heart. There are way too many situations we will face- whether …

Can You Claim Mistaken Identity?


Several years ago at the church I attended, there was a man who had been coming for about a year. One day, he came up to me with recognition on his …

Why Are the Righteous Taken So Soon?


Have you ever wondered why the righteous are taken so soon? This is a question that has always troubled me, as I’m sure it has troubled others. Why …

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