3/21/24In a day there are thousands of promises made to people, and many will never be kept. Many people are quick to respond to others with promises to do …
Nothing is New to God
3/18/24Our Creator, the one who has created all things, also knows all things; even that of the inevitability of the future. We don’t see what all tomorrow …
Our Journey Never Has to End
3/15/24Some people will go through life and never really tap into their purpose for others. They will have experiences that were devoted or orchestrated to …
Fearful Times of Joy
2/28/24There are some very interesting experiences one will have as we journey through this life. There are those who trust God and know they are secure in …
The Scars of a Father's Love
2/14/24One afternoon, a young boy decided to go swimming in a shallow lake near his home in Florida. Just after he jumped in and started to swim, his father …
2/13/24Everyone has them now and then, some of us struggle with them, and certain daily occurrences can cause us to have one. Yes, those attitudes we can …