Sometimes We Just Need a Friend

Neither worldly treasures nor anyone in the world will ever truly satisfy one’s inward heart. There are way too many situations we will face- whether large or small- that will have an impacting touch on our lives.
You and I all have had struggles, regrets, missed opportunities and done things wrong that have affected people negatively.
Everybody needs a friend to talk to. Some of us find some real, genuine relationships, while others search their entire lifetime and feel they have never had a real true friend.
I believe more people struggle and never overcome the difficulties of life. They just learn how to maintain and cope with it all. Some seem happy, yet that happiness is superficial and can be snatched away in a moment’s time. I, like many others, struggle with life and its disappointments. However, I have a true friend in Jesus who sticks closer to me than a brother.
I believe the difference shows when you handle life and not let it handle you. We do have to learn to deal with life’s matters, but it’s how we ultimately deal with the issues of the day that makes the difference.
I can talk to Jesus who is on call 24/7, and with His help I can handle anything life throws my way. If God wanted us to be completely happy here then He would have allowed that to happen. But since God wants us to long for heaven, comfort will always elude us.
There is a better place in the future for those who will follow Jesus. God knows you may have a lot of questions. He understands and will never leave you nor forsake you. He is always there for you even until the end.
No matter how you feel, God