Wandering from the Cross

The cross has been a symbol of Christianity for centuries. The cross represents God’s work through His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ.

Churches and many Christians have the symbol of the cross hung on a wall or sitting in a special place. Crosses come in different colors, shapes and sizes. Some are carved fancily and are actually very beautiful.

But the cross that held our Lord was plain rough- cut wood and a symbol of cruelty and dishonor. It was a public display of punishment for the guilty person to pay for their crime.

Jesus did no crime! He was unjustly persecuted because He took a stand and resisted evil in its many forms. There were many powerful evil people who used their power to accuse, convict and crucify the Son of God on that plain rough wooden cross.

His suffering was great. The cross is where Jesus took away the sins of the world by shedding His holy blood and giving His life for us. Jesus died, forgiving us and all that were responsible for His torture and death.

Do we wander from the cross sometimes? Do we forget to forgive as Jesus forgave us? Do we forget to love others as Jesus loves us? Have you wandered from the cross? Are you struggling and wonder why you feel the way you do?

Remember the words of an old song: There’s room at the cross for you. There always is.

Categories: Hope>