

Can You Claim Mistaken Identity?


Several years ago at the church I attended, there was a man who had been coming for about a year. One day, he came up to me with recognition on his …

Why Are the Righteous Taken So Soon?


Have you ever wondered why the righteous are taken so soon? This is a question that has always troubled me, as I’m sure it has troubled others. Why …



In a day there are thousands of promises made to people, and many will never be kept. Many people are quick to respond to others with promises to do …

Nothing is New to God


Our Creator, the one who has created all things, also knows all things; even that of the inevitability of the future. We don’t see what all tomorrow …

Our Journey Never Has to End


Some people will go through life and never really tap into their purpose for others. They will have experiences that were devoted or orchestrated to …

Fearful Times of Joy


There are some very interesting experiences one will have as we journey through this life. There are those who trust God and know they are secure in …

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