Confusion, Reality and Our Destiny

Some people don’t recognize the one true God or follow His teachings. They turn to earthly teachings and man’s rules, believe the lies and practice their sinful ways without shame. Other folks pretend they know Him, try to bend His commandments and make Him into a God they can easily live with.
Many think learning scriptures, reading the Bible and going to church whenever the door opens defines knowing God. This thinking leaves the door open for people to control God’s teachings and allows them to continue enjoying their own earthly pleasures.
Sometimes we forget that we are His children and we are expected to follow His teachings, obey His commandments, and that we will be held accountable for the choices we make. Remember, God the Father is the only just and fair ruler, only His word is final, and no one can alter the results of His plan for His creation.
God provides many helps to guide us on our journey. The Bible is full of lessons, teachings and prophets to help us make the right choices and to keep us close to Him. When we keep our eyes on Him, follow His ways and trust His commandments, knowing Him as our Father becomes our goal.
We can believe that He is the beginning and knows all things in the end. We come to know that how we live our lives here on earth determines where our souls will spend eternity. Because we are eternal beings, we will indeed spend eternity somewhere. The choice of where we end up is ours.
There is only one true living God, and He holds the world and its people in His mighty hand. Nothing is finished until He says it is finished. No one can hide any deed. No ruler is greater. All future rests in His mighty hands.
Many wonders can be expected and great love can be assured to those who truly love and obey Him. He has the ability to change a life’s situation, bringing rest and peace to all who desire it. He provides the air we breathe, the body that houses our soul, the means to achieve what He has created us to do and the rewards for a life lived in His will.