How Much Does It Cost You?

There is an account of a mission organization based in South Africa. The year is 1908. There were 125 families living in some of the most remote places, facing constant dangers, starvation, disease, making only $12 per month, sometimes only receiving $2 to $4. The situation, no doubt, looked bleak. The organization knew they had to do something to rally the missionaries. They sold furniture out of their offices and whatever they could to bring every missionary in for a conference. Eventually, a few months later, all 125 arrived.
There was much discussion, much prayer, and much looking to God’s Word and seeking guidance about whether they should continue on. One evening they asked the head of their organization if he would excuse himself from the room and then later they asked him to return. When he did, there was a communion table set up.
As this leader looked at these missionaries, they began to speak, and here’s what they told him: “We all have decided to go back to work and serve God even if we die, even if our wives and children die. If we perish, so be it. We only ask one thing: that you come and bury us if we don’t survive.”
With tears and rejoicing, they then took communion and parted ways. The next year that leader had to bury 12 pastors and 16 of their wives and children. But from that commitment, 350 churches started, and 1,250 native pastors were sent out to preach God’s Word to more. Over 500,000 souls were brought to faith in Christ.
It is said that this ministry head could not ever eat a piece of pie for years when he thought of how almost every missionary had to live on cornmeal mush every day they were in the field.
We’ve suffered so little for the cause as these did; but today we can help, for there’s no better investment than into God’s Kingdom work.