It's Amazing Who God Will Use
The Bible is full of accounts of God choosing people who most of us would look at as failures; disgusting people who were murderers, prostitutes and a hundred other types of what many look at as “lowlife” people without culture and having little hope to make any real contribution to society.
Yes, the Bible is filled with the names of those whom some people wanted to avoid being around. Yet God chose to use so many of these types of people to be even part of the lineage of His own Son’s birth.
Jesus Christ was born into this world from a family tree that a lot of us would say had many forks and was tainted with those who had very different backgrounds.
· Rahab, a prostitute from Jericho
· David, a murderer and an adulterer
· Jacob, a big time liar
· Tamar, committed incest
· Manasseh, one of the most despicable leaders ever born
· Ruth, a follower of false gods
· Rebecca, a thief and a schemer
· And there are a few more…
This makes the story of Jesus’ lineage and life even more interesting. Jesus came from God as His Father, but also from man with all of mankind’s deficiencies.
Yet this is the way God chose to show us His love, and that anyone- regardless of their past- has a place with Him if they are willing to turn from that old sinful nature. He will forgive you because of Jesus and grant you a new life, just as He did for me. He will do this for anyone who repents of those old sinful ways and gives their life into His hands to make a better life for you than you can.