

Do You Prepare the Way?


There are 2 lines in Matthew 3 that are spoken of in the Bible that should be told by everyone who really is a Christian. The lines say, “Prepare the …

A Name Used Loosely


If a person who says they are a Christian is really a Christian, they will make an effort to get to know Jesus, which comes by reading the Bible. …

What Can Jesus Do?


Some people think of Heaven as a place of peace, and it is. As a person reaches their mature years, they begin to ponder and wonder more often about …

Transgressions Forgiven


I went to do business with a company that provided a service I needed on a daily basis to conduct my business. This company explained that I needed a …

Can You Claim Mistaken Identity?


Several years ago at the church I attended, there was a man who had been coming for about a year. One day, he came up to me with recognition on his …

God knows all about you


God knows all about you (but are you sure you know all about him?) Almost everyone believes in God, and many people also believe they know God. But …

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