Only One Has the Full Power

There is an interesting account of who Jesus is in the first chapter of Mark. As we read verses 9 through 43, we are amazingly introduced to the person we call Jesus.

After Jesus is baptized into the ministry, He faces a great time of trial. In spite of the difficulties, He continues to minister to the people.

In the first church He goes to, the people are amazed at His knowledge of the scriptures. The first man to recognize Jesus as God’s son is a demon-possessed man. He heals the man and continues to teach the people. The scripture relates that Jesus had to deal with unclean spirits, or demons, in many churches He visited.

This is a lesson we must remember for today: if Jesus had to deal with demons in the churches back then, are they sill in churches today? Just how serious do we take praying for our churches, pastors and staff? Why are we having so many problems in our churches today?

There are forces that want to destroy not only our churches, but our individual lives as well. Demon forces will attack, and sometimes they succeed in dividing godly people by causing confusion. Only Jesus can turn them out and bring peace.

But remember: sometimes God allows these influences in when the doctrine of the church isn’t lining up with His Word, the Bible.

This is where our prayers come in. We must always be on guard for fallacy by checking the scriptures for ourselves. We must pray in the name, the power and the authority of Jesus Christ, the Son of our living God, to keep our eyes and ears open and for Him to come against any type of destructive activity.


If Satan can’t get you to do something wrong, he will try to make you do something right the wrong way.


“The people were amazed at his (Jesus’) teaching, for he taught with real authority—quite unlike the teachers of religious law.” Mark 1:22

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