The Untapped Power of God

There are many resources that remain to be found for mankind to use. Some will be found, others may never be found.
There’s one power that remains hidden to so many that they either don’t know about it, don’t understand how to use it, or are afraid to try it.
This power is the ultimate of all power, for it comes from God and is unlimited. It’s available to every person who is a true “born again” child of God. Very few use it, but the fact is: it’s still there.
In 1916, there was a man named VonBureon, who was a butcher of British decent who lived a comfortable life in Johannesburg, South Africa. He became sick and was told by the doctors that he had an incurable disease. VonBureon sold all that he had and moved his family to the country to set up a farm so that his family would have provisions for the future when he died. Soon after he left, an evangelist came to the city, and people’s lives were being touched in great ways.
VonBureon received letters from friends telling him of the great works of good, needs met, healings and salvations. VonBureon took their letters out to his field and laid them open on the ground and asked God, “If you can do this for others, surely you would do so for me.”
As he cried out to God, he was touched by that power that is available to us all. For 18 days, people saw a man’s life transformed as he went to people and told them of God’s Word for their soul. Many fell and repented, and others were touched by the power of God. Even before he could return from the field, his wife, who had not been a true believer, was already changed and touched by the power of God. All 11 of his children were saved, and for years to come, VonBureon served God faithfully.
That same power is available to us all. You can be changed and make an impact on those around you. God’s willing. Are you?