
Historical Figures

The Least Likely


God has ways of working out His plans and doing things through us that we never dreamed possible. Sometimes we forget that all things are possible …

The Pastor of the Hills


As a young boy I grew up in a different place than where I live today, but not so far away that I don’t remember a piece of our Christian heritage …

John and Roger


Roger and John had many of the same beliefs, but some of their convictions were stronger than each others’ beliefs. Roger believed in what he …

Bible Translations


After Queen Elizabeth’s 45-year reign was over, the state of England announced her successor, which began the new reign of King James, who was …

It's Time Again


The Great Awakening of the 18th century had a profound impact on both sides of the Atlantic, and though it started in America, it soon spread to …

God Uses Unusable People


During the late 13 th century and into the early 14 th century, there arose a farmer, who was regarded as a peasant by the standards of the time. …

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