Historical Figures
Blessed are Those who Speak the Truth
5/30/24Great man are truly great when they know and live the work of God. There’s no greater blessing for a nation, state, city or community that sees its …
The Power We Think We Possess
5/03/24There is a Bible story that most of us have read at sometime in our lives. It is found in chapters 13 – 16 of the book of Judges. It is the story of …
Changing the Society
3/13/24George was born in 1624, the son of a village weaver. He was a member of a respectable family, yet George was different somewhat. He would play with …
There's a High Cost, but a Great Reward
1/15/24So many have paid a high price for serving God, and because of what others have sacrificed for, we have seen many blessings; yet today quite a few …
As the Guard Changes
1/11/24The 43 rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, was born on July 6, 1946. He spent his youth growing up in Texas. Bush was elected Governor …
The Real Force of WWII
1/11/24Many of us know about our second world war. The country of Germany raised its head against Europe to become the greatest power of all. Hundreds of …