The Power We Think We Possess
There is a Bible story that most of us have read at sometime in our lives. It is found in chapters 13 – 16 of the book of Judges. It is the story of Samson.
How many people reading this story see Samson as the strongest man that ever lived? And at that time he probably was. No other human being had accomplished the extraordinary feats of strength of Samson. Samson’s mother was told that Samson’s hair was never to be cut but left to grow, and God would use the hair as a point of His anointing power, enabling Samson the strength to defeat his people’s enemies.
For a time, Samson was able to defeat those who opposed God’s people. However, Samson’s character had many flaws. He was a willful man who wanted his way and pretty much did whatever he want to do.
Unfortunately, this behavior began to separate Samson from God. Samson continued to lust after the things he wanted. No one was able to talk him out of himself.
So God decided to take matters into His own hands, so to speak. Samson’s hair was merely a symbol of God’s power in him. God allowed Samson to lose his hair and then God departed from him.
As the story goes, Samson lost his anointed power because of his willfulness to have what he wanted. He was put in prison, lost his eyesight and was totally alone. Then he remembered his God and called out to Him to be restored.
How many of us misuse the anointed power God has blessed us with? We start out on the right track, going along serving the Lord the way He had called us to do. Then the track hits a spur and we begin to depart from God’s purposes to ours.
It doesn’t hurt to examine our lives every so often to make sure we haven’t become sidetracked. Remember, God’s purposes are not always what you think. God’s purposes are for you.
Are you following God’s plan or yours?