Fearful Times of Joy

There are some very interesting experiences one will have as we journey through this life. There are those who trust God and know they are secure in His care, but could lose the very joy they would have if only they would put their trust where it belongs.
In John 15:11, Jesus says, May the joy remain in you that your joy be made full. No matter what we face, God knows how to handle it like no one else, because He already has. If you truly trust God, you’ll have a joy that most people don’t understand.
Without God you cannot have lasting peace. Without peace there is fear. Fear is the opposite of faith, which God requires.
Faith is what will truly see us through a fearful time. James 1:2 says, My brethren count all joy when you fall into various trials. Why? Because of the security we have in Christ Jesus our Savior, He will cause our faith to rise to the occasion every time.
No one is greater than God, and as our world slowly crumbles around us, our God stands firm throughout the universe. Even if we don’t understand what is coming, God does and will bring joy to our heart as we rest in Him throughout the storms of life.