Being Attached to Church

Today there is a gap being formed of Christians who have become detached from the traditional church. I’m not saying these people aren’t Christians, but there is a separation of Christians and church attendance.

There are many people, and I’m one of them, who have at one time been between churches looking for a new congregation to worship with. There are many who, for one reason or another, have just quit looking altogether. The Ministry of Christian Media recently stated that 33 percent of its audience is now made up of the “un-churched.” This is almost doubled from the count twenty years ago.

It is not good for Christians to be isolated from other believers. I understand how sometimes we can become disenchanted with “religion” that has strangled the church for many years.

We are looking for truth, wisdom, spirituality, meaning and answers to life’s trials. Especially today, Christians need a solid foundation to stand on and believe in. We are looking for a church without the hypocrisy the world has to offer. Sometimes the church seems to be so much like the world that believers see no reason to be a part of it.

Still, we must all find a place to hear the truth of the gospel and fellowship with others who are doing the same. In Hebrews 10:24-25, we are told to stimulate one another to love and good deeds and not to forsake the assembling together as some have done, but to encourage one another (paraphrased).

The times we live in are pulling at people’s souls. There is an uneasiness falling on the people. We need to be together.

If you are sitting at home “doing your own thing,” you are rebelling against God’s directive and saying you will do what’s comfortable. It may be hard and take some time to find a church that fits, but you shouldn’t give up.

Satan loves to see Christians isolated and in a weakened condition. Sorry, no online or other media sermon can replace the fellowship and strength Christians need and gain from assembling together with others who struggle with life and their faith.



Doing your own thing leads to your own conclusion, not His.