What Gets Your Attention?

There are a lot of “attention getters” out there today. We have to be careful not to fall into the traps some of these “attention getters” set for us. Today, with the world literally at our fingertips, we may find ourselves doing things and going places we shouldn’t. As long as we live, there will always be someone or something trying to get our attention.

Christians, especially those walking close to God, will have Satan working overtime to get their attention.  He uses television, cell phones, movies, and magazines to bombard our thoughts, trying to sabotage the relationship we have with the Lord. How we react will affect not only our lives, but the lives of those around us, too.

Satan is a trickster and a liar. He will use any method available to get our attention. His goal is to lure us away from the one true friend and helper that we have, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus cares about us and is willing to help us regardless of what we’ve done. He cares more about the future with Him than the past without Him. Give Jesus your attention today, and He will take care of all your tomorrows.

Categories: The Christian Life>