Today's Choice, Tomorrow's Result

Everyone has made bad choices, and we have paid the consequences for those choices. You may even have had to pay the consequences for the bad choices of others. Regardless, choices people make always have an effect on others. Even today, I still find myself rehashing the past and remembering the wrong choices I made years ago. Unfortunately, we live in a world that thrives on the negative actions of the past and loves to keep doubt and mischief alive.

I can also remember the right choices I have made, and the benefits I and others have reaped from those choices. I want you to know today that your past choices do not have to rule your future. There is one, and only one, who can step between you and any problem you may be having because of choices you have made in the past. He can help your life be more fruitful than you ever imagined. It all starts with sharing your life with Jesus. There is no other source of freedom and forgiveness for the mistakes of the past.


Matthew 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.



Your disobedience to God is always reflected in your character.