Six Words

How many of us pretty much do what we want to do? Most people, if they are honest, would say that most of their time is spent doing what is important to their family, themselves, or just to survive. The choices and decisions we make effect the quality of our lives, and many of us find life harder than it needs to be.

There are six interesting words found in the New Testament of the Bible. Look in Luke 5:11: “they left everything and followed Him.”  

I believe this is the reason many Christians find living the faith so difficult. They tend to hang on to the worldly desires, materialistic attitudes and mistakes of the past until it is convenient for them to turn them over to the Lord. Therefore, many Christians live a life that falls short of really knowing why they are here or what they are to do. They wonder why they feel their lives are not satisfying or fulfilling. It all adds up to those six little words, “they left everything and followed Him,” words that seem so simple yet are so hard for many to live by.

When we Christians apply these six little words by putting our agendas and egos aside, we are able to pursue a life lived for the cause of Christianity and truly represent the one who gave up His life so we could be free. After we turn everything over to the Lord, our burdens and our loads will be lighter. Then we will find our lives more productive, more satisfying and more fulfilled than the life we make for ourselves.

Categories: The Christian Life>