Delayed Gratification


How many of us want it now: that new house or new car? It could be a variety of different things, but most of us want it now. That’s what seems to be most important to a good portion of the American people. Many people believe that they work to accumulate possessions and to live the life they want. …

Your Inheritance


Many people in life really miss so much of living it out. They spend so much of their time trying to build for this world or fight for a piece of what they can never really possess. They fight and struggle for survival or getting ahead; while at the same time fall further away from their real …

The Thing You're Looking For


If only you really knew how much God cares for you- if you would ever allow yourself to grasp the idea that God is very interested in your life all the time- maybe you’d live differently. The very thing you spend your life seeking has always been close by, yet the ways and troubles of the world are …

Direction Without Purpose


Every day I see people who think they are living “the life,” building this or that for their little empire here on earth. I see some people who seem only to try and survive in places of life where they have no other option. You and I both know people experience life in different ways. How we all …



In a day there are thousands of promises made to people, and many will never be kept. Many people are quick to respond to others with promises to do something yet never followed through, therefore leaving many hurt and let down because some friend or family member didn’t keep their word. …

Spiritual Hot Checks


Today, the world is in fast motion. All over the planet you can see event after event unfold, some good and some not so good…and some just really bad. Yet everyday people get up and start again going to and fro, building and preparing for the days ahead, thinking of tomorrow but really never seeing …

Nothing is New to God


Our Creator, the one who has created all things, also knows all things; even that of the inevitability of the future. We don’t see what all tomorrow holds, but God does into eternity concerning us. That means how we live today and the results of it tomorrow. The book of Acts, chapter 15, mentions …

Our Journey Never Has to End


Some people will go through life and never really tap into their purpose for others. They will have experiences that were devoted or orchestrated to teach them, to show them the reasons for being on this planet. Yet, they will have missed those pivotal moments and go on and never really understand …

Changing the Society


George was born in 1624, the son of a village weaver. He was a member of a respectable family, yet George was different somewhat. He would play with the other children, but not take part in jokes, pranks or any rude behavior. He was a thinker and had an unusual gift in observing what people were …

Just Who is God?


This question has tried to be answered by many; sometimes people are just curious and other times people just don’t understand. You cannot separate the Bible and God, but some do. They think that nature is God- and He is, but He’s also much more than that. Some think that power is God- and He is, …

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