

Everyone has them now and then, some of us struggle with them, and certain daily occurrences can cause us to have one. Yes, those attitudes we can get can say a lot about who we are. But let us look at the attitudes of God. Some of ours may not be very pleasant for people to be around. Yet with …

What Does it Mean to be Serving God?


I talk to people all the time like you do. In my conversations with them, I mention God, and many times our discussion may get off on areas of serving God, or they will say something about how their family is doing and how their children are serving God and how they are thankful they are all …

You Win Regardless of the Score


That sounds nice: to never be on the loosing end. Well it can be that way, and it is when you’re on the right team. Some people would like to switch teams sometimes but you can’t. You can only be on one team at a time.  For the first 30 years of my life I spent a great deal of my time on the wrong …

God Does Not Make Us All The Same


As we look at other people, we notice that everyone has different looks, shapes, thoughts and abilities. Sometimes there are some who do look somewhat like another person but there always will be a distinct characteristic somewhere because God created all uniquely. Some people gravitate more to …

The Time is Here


For years- even as a boy- I was told about the last days (or “the end of times” as we know it); of how there would be tragedies that would affect mankind. How peoples’ securities would crumble and great despair would begin to fill their hearts. There was much talk of many things happening just …

Christians Never Lose


Now that may be a point where some people would want to argue right off that Christians can be on the losing end of life’s difficulties. God never indicates in the Bible that all will be well and life will be void of problems, but He does say we can always overcome them. Jesus said in John 16:33, …

Most Know the Answer


In everyday life there are many ups and downs, many cares, and some joy. Life at times is somewhat of a roller coaster experience. When life is good, most generally all is well; but when life turns sour and our life experiences become pretty heavy, life can be a very hard place to walk through. At …

We Must Dream


There are many of us who dream; we think thoughts of tomorrow and wish for better ones to come. There is nothing wrong with dreams. God Himself puts desires in our hearts of things He wants us to do here on earth. He’s the dream giver and the only one who can make these dreams come true the right …

Do You Believe?


If someone were to ask you if you believed in Jesus, there would be many that would say yes; and because of this, many believe they are saved by this confession and heaven awaits. There are also many who are baptized. As it says in Mark 16:16, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved,” so now …

To Have Favor


It is a very comforting thing to have favor in areas of our life. Some obtain favor because they know someone, or hold a high position; therefore they have special access at times to places others may not have. To have favor granted to you, to move forward in life, is an unseen blessing, and to …

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