Our Mission


I believe, with all that I understand about the Bible at this point and with all that I see happening in the world, that we are living in days of great interest to many people. If we are trying to discern the times we live in, out attitude might be either, “I could care less,” or, “Should I be …

God is Just as Big as You are Willing to Let Him Be


Way too many people put God into places where He can’t fit. In fact, the only true way you’ll even come close to know who God is and what He can do in your life is to really let go of yourself and give everything to Him. God can never be involved in all the aspects of your life unless you are …

Putting the Main Thing First


God very much wants to be all you’ll ever need, if you’ll only let Him. The question remains: will you let Him? Most people would never allow others to treat them the way they treat God. We do things like not thanking God, not praying, not reading the Bible, using his name in curses and jokes and …

The Greatest Audit We Will Ever Face


Most people understand what an audit is and what it is supposed to accomplish. People in government are elected as city auditors, county auditors, state auditors and those who audit the national government. Audits “check the books.” They give an accounting of how the money is used to run our …

Transgressions Forgiven


I went to do business with a company that provided a service I needed on a daily basis to conduct my business. This company explained that I needed a couple of letters of credit and references to set up my service. The lady asked if I had done business with them before. I said, “Yes, I had but it …

The Power We Think We Possess


There is a Bible story that most of us have read at sometime in our lives. It is found in chapters 13 – 16 of the book of Judges. It is the story of Samson. How many people reading this story see Samson as the strongest man that ever lived? And at that time he probably was. No other human being had …

Have You Ever Considered?


Many of us go about our daily routine in the order and time they need to be completed. We all have tasks that require our attention- work, family and church. Do we ever really think about what day it is? We may not even consider this day an important day at all.  Allow me to shed some light on the …

Living Religion


There is a big difference between saying you are a Christian and actually living for Jesus. The term “religion” is where our problems usually begin. The differences between religion and Christianity are often overlooked. Religion covers many aspects of faith, while Christianity identifies those who …

Twisting the Bible


God gave words to selected people to be written down years ago. These words have been established as cornerstones for teaching all people the way they should conduct themselves in society. Every sentence was written down with a purpose and inspired by the Holy Spirit. The words of the Bible help us …

Can You Claim Mistaken Identity?


Several years ago at the church I attended, there was a man who had been coming for about a year. One day, he came up to me with recognition on his face. “I know who you are,” he recalled. “Well, who am I,” I asked? “You are the guy who did this and did that.” He had put two and two together, …

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