What is the Difference?


Only God truly understands people. No one else understands each person on the earth today or at any other time like the One who created them. The Bible says, “Did He who made me in the womb make them?” Job 31:15 It just amazes me how people claim to be right with God but are not right with others; …

Blessed are Those who Speak the Truth


Great man are truly great when they know and live the work of God. There’s no greater blessing for a nation, state, city or community that sees its leadership directed by a higher authority above all others. So many people talk of Christ and God’s Word, but so few actually lead from it.  One that …

He Is All


God is the true Father of mankind. He is God, and He alone created you. He knew you before you were ever born. He picked your earthly parents and He decided the family you would enter the world through. He sees every day of your life before it ever was, and He knows every experience you’re going to …

The God Factor


It amazes me how many people who call themselves Christians can have such little amount of faith. Time and time again, I have watched people who say they trust God turn right around and trust man for their needs and try to operate their lives in ways that are done by businesses and human reasoning …

The Joints of Your Armor


Anyone that goes into battle prepares for it. There are different methods that different cultures have, but if you are going to win, you must prepare. Most people, I realize, never take it into consideration that we will daily face spiritual battles, ones that can attack us from all directions and …

The Real Identity Theft


How many people do you know who call themselves a Christian? And how many of them do you feel live a real, true, Bible-based Christian life? Let’s start with who’s a real Christian. What does the Bible say in Mark 8? It talks about taking on the cross of Christ and following Him. In John 10:26 …

Sometimes We Just Need a Friend


Neither worldly treasures nor anyone in the world will ever truly satisfy one’s inward heart. There are way too many situations we will face- whether large or small- that will have an impacting touch on our lives. You and I all have had struggles, regrets, missed opportunities and done things wrong …

What God will Render to You


Everyone of us will do different things during our lifetimes and some of us will accomplish things that others may want to accomplish or have already done. There is a scripture in the Bible, Psalm 62:12, that says, “Also to you O Lord belongs mercy, for you render to each one according to his …

Our Mission


I believe, with all that I understand about the Bible at this point and with all that I see happening in the world, that we are living in days of great interest to many people. If we are trying to discern the times we live in, out attitude might be either, “I could care less,” or, “Should I be …

God is Just as Big as You are Willing to Let Him Be


Way too many people put God into places where He can’t fit. In fact, the only true way you’ll even come close to know who God is and what He can do in your life is to really let go of yourself and give everything to Him. God can never be involved in all the aspects of your life unless you are …

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