What is Prosperity?

We all have our opinions in this area. How do we consider when one is prosperous? I guess most would look at this area as someone who has a lot of property. But in reality, it is probably all mortgaged.

Or we may look at one’s bank account where people have many dollars. But how secure is this in the day in which we live? Where is a safe place or the best investments?

There are ministries that talk about the prosperity of the Gospel, and that can cover a wide range of discussion.

So what is real, true prosperity? What is this really all about? According to God’s standard in this area, even in the Bible, in 3 John 1, it says: “I pray that you may prosper in all things, just as your soul prospers.” There is the key. If our soul is not prospering, then there is no amount of money or possessions accumulated that can bring real prosperity.

In fact, there are some people who have money and possessions, and yet live in poverty because their souls are not prospering as unto the ways of God.

Real prosperity is a real life with God through His Son, Jesus; to truly know Him, to be about what concerns Him. Money and possessions or position should only be a tool to be used for God’s purposes to prosper here on earth. In the end, only what we’ve invested in concerning His Kingdom will be counted as real prosperity.

Categories: Eternity>