

The 720,000 Christian


Jesus taught a lesson in the Bible in the book of Matthew 25:14-30. The story is referred to as the “Parable of the Talents.” It’s a lesson of a …

Behind the Rock


One of the greatest accounts in the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus. Because Jesus was brought back from a death of cruel crucifixion, mankind can …

The Fifth Kingdom


If one has had any exposure to the Bible, especially as a child in Sunday school class, you should remember the story of Daniel in the lions’ den. …

What Destination is on Your Ticket?


I’ll bet most people know the story of Jonah and the Whale. I’ll also bet that most people don’t truly understand the lesson we are supposed to learn …

Your Insurance Premiums


Most of us pay insurance premiums of some kind. There is a wide range of types of insurance to purchase. Whenever there is a problem, we are always …

What Can Jesus Do?


Some people think of Heaven as a place of peace, and it is. As a person reaches their mature years, they begin to ponder and wonder more often about …

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