Some Leave Everyday
1/23/24In this world we live in, 150,000 people die every day. Most of them are people you will never know here on earth, and some you will know very well. …
There's Still Something Left
1/19/24Awhile back an old friend of mine took his life. It really was a shock to others and me at the time. I began to remember back of some of the funny …
There's a High Cost, but a Great Reward
1/15/24So many have paid a high price for serving God, and because of what others have sacrificed for, we have seen many blessings; yet today quite a few …
Which World Do You Chose?
12/12/23There is an old song that bears a lot of truth; it says, “This world is not my home; I’m just a passing through.” Every one of us will not spend …
The Challenge to Live Right
12/11/23For all of us, this world we live in is only the place that will prepare us for eternity, and however many years each one of us have measures up to …
The Quality of Each Builder
11/15/23All of us go through life here on earth doing something. We all in someway build into this world, whether it be a house or a business; you might …