Christians Never Lose
2/06/24Now that may be a point where some people would want to argue right off that Christians can be on the losing end of life’s difficulties. God never …
The Ark of Safety
1/26/24The story starts in Genesis, Chapter 6. It is the story of Noah and the great flood. When God saw how sinful mankind had become, He decided to bring …
Some Leave Everyday
1/23/24In this world we live in, 150,000 people die every day. Most of them are people you will never know here on earth, and some you will know very well. …
There's Still Something Left
1/19/24Awhile back an old friend of mine took his life. It really was a shock to others and me at the time. I began to remember back of some of the funny …
There's a High Cost, but a Great Reward
1/15/24So many have paid a high price for serving God, and because of what others have sacrificed for, we have seen many blessings; yet today quite a few …
Which World Do You Chose?
12/12/23There is an old song that bears a lot of truth; it says, “This world is not my home; I’m just a passing through.” Every one of us will not spend …