Direction Without Purpose

Every day I see people who think they are living “the life,” building this or that for their little empire here on earth. I see some people who seem only to try and survive in places of life where they have no other option.
You and I both know people experience life in different ways. How we all live out our lives makes a difference, for there is a beginning and an end. For each one of us here today, our lives will cease to exist at a chosen time and we will begin to live out eternity where there is no end.
The Bible tells us that God has prepared a place for us, but so many of us live each day thinking they can do whatever they want, never considering that they are here for a divine purpose and someone may be trying to direct them to it.
God chose each of us and is making a place in eternity just for us. Our adversary, the devil, isn’t going to be in heaven, so he wants to distract as many people as he can to follow him. He plans on having much company in his eternal place, Hell!
You have to stop doing things your way and seek out God’s directives, His purposes; forget building for this world and invest in a place where there is peace. Jesus came as the one way to bring you and God together to lead us to our eternal home.
Satan is no match for Jesus. Without Jesus you are not going to heaven; He is the only way! Begin to let Him direct you through this world to your eternity in heaven, today!