Christians Never Lose

Now that may be a point where some people would want to argue right off that Christians can be on the losing end of life’s difficulties. God never indicates in the Bible that all will be well and life will be void of problems, but He does say we can always overcome them. Jesus said in John 16:33, “Those things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
We’ve got Jesus’ word; we can make it. In fact, He came to earth to prove we can.
This world is not our friend. It may be nice at times, and that’s okay, but we are not to long for this world. God appointed for us to be born and raised here, but not to stay.
It’s not our final destination. God made heaven as our final place to rest, to live for eternity and live it out in peace. Earth is not a peaceful place all the time, but heaven is.
This world has been touched by evil, and evil hates God and all that God stands for. When you become a Christian, you are hated by evil but it cannot destroy a Christian. Evil cannot rule a Christian; evil can affect us but never dominate us, for we are children paid for by Jesus when he died for our sins.
When we accept him into our lives and ask Jesus to forgive our evil ways, He does, and now we are secure in His hands. Christians win, they don’t lose; God will even use difficulties and seeming defeats to work out His purposes and plans for our eternal good.