The Characteristics of a Church

What are the characteristics of a real Church in God’s Kingdom?
· It’s not growth in numbers.
· It’s not the best praise and worship.
· It’s not the size of the church or its financial worth.
· It’s not a church that adapts to the world.
But it is a church:
· That is seeing sinners with lives turned around who become productive in the Kingdom.
· That its saints are truly living out the mandates of the Bible.
· Operating under the doctrines of the Ten Commandments.
· Where saints are converted to a new life (a change has come and they’re operating by God’s Holy Spirit).
· Where the ministry of the Bible is at work, when the leadership won’t compromise on God’s Word.
· That supports missions beyond itself and around the world.
· That takes the character of Jesus everywhere it goes.
· That is seeing the healing power of Jesus at work.
· Where the people that go to the church are delivered from bondages.
· Where a real spirit of love presides among the members and even its enemies.
· Where Christians put others before themselves and are willing to sacrifice for others.
In reality, the best description of what the True Church of Jesus Christ is:
Well, it’s just exactly that; it’s the character of Jesus Christ, His life lived out in front of others, defeating all its enemies and winning over sin.
What does your church look like today?