Living a Life of Assurance

Our souls are on a highway from earth to Heaven, surrounded by many trials and mysteries. Yet Jesus is here to guide us by His Spirit, so we don’t have to fear. If you will trust Him, He will lead you and guide you through each place in life. What can happen that He doesn’t know about and is able to fix? You just need to walk in His ways by having a surrendered life.

This earth is but a school to prepare us for our next journey. How we respond to its teachings and our life lived for Jesus will determine our final grade. The lessons we learn should help us to grow toward Jesus. When our eternity dawns and we meet Him on that new day, no matter what we’ve ever faced on earth, life will be lived then as it was meant to be.

So don’t be impatient with the lessons learned here today. Each one has its joys and disappointments, but Heaven will be worth it all. The treasures we sought after here on earth will be nothing there.

Remember that God is the God of both Heaven and earth, and for your soul He gave the life of His Son, Jesus. So fear not what you see or hear today. If Jesus is your Lord, you can rest assured in His care today, tomorrow and always.