God Would Like to Have a Word with You


Believe it or not, God would like to talk to you everyday. Yet talking with God is not on many to-do lists. Is it because we think He’s not really concerned with our daily lives? Do many think He’s going to do what He wants, so why does He need or care about my comments? If that were true (and it …

The Power We Have with God’s Word


People fight many battles in their personal lives they don’t have to fight. Jesus himself said in Matthew 19:26, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” We don’t have to believe Jesus’ words. We can keep on trying to win battle after battle on our own. Or we can accept …

A Valuable Lesson


The last supper was painted by Leonardo DaVinci, a noted Italian artist. The time engaged for its completion was seven years. The figures representing the twelve Apostles and Christ Himself were painted from living persons. The life-model for the painting of the figure of Jesus was chosen first. …

Being Attached to Church


Today there is a gap being formed of Christians who have become detached from the traditional church. I’m not saying these people aren’t Christians, but there is a separation of Christians and church attendance. There are many people, and I’m one of them, who have at one time been between churches …

Sometimes the Price is Great


“If I hadn’t done that…” “If I had just waited…” “Why didn’t I listen?” Sound familiar? Each of us think back to times where only if we had done it another way, things today would probably be much different concerning various decisions, opportunities and circumstances of the past. This was what the …

Where is Your Respect Level?


Lots of church people say they love God and believe in Jesus, but what about their respect for God? In Luke 7:2-10, we find the account of a military commander called a “centurion,” who had a sick servant. The centurion, who had heard of Jesus, sent one of the elders to ask Jesus to come to his …

What Gets Your Attention?


There are a lot of “attention getters” out there today. We have to be careful not to fall into the traps some of these “attention getters” set for us. Today, with the world literally at our fingertips, we may find ourselves doing things and going places we shouldn’t. As long as we live, there will …

Six Words


How many of us pretty much do what we want to do? Most people, if they are honest, would say that most of their time is spent doing what is important to their family, themselves, or just to survive. The choices and decisions we make effect the quality of our lives, and many of us find life harder …

Frustrations to Blessings


In 1888, R.J. was born. His love of work in construction was embedded in him.  He was sure there had to be a better way of moving and hauling earth and heavy materials.  He began working on a more efficient way to get the job done, leading to his inventing over 300 different types of …

Handling Criticism


I don’t know many people who like to be criticized. It seems to rub most people the wrong way, even when it is meant to be constructive. Criticism can be healthy – even if the person is an enemy and tells us things that we need to hear when our friends won’t tell us. The smallest nugget of truth …

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