What Gets Your Attention?


There are a lot of “attention getters” out there today. We have to be careful not to fall into the traps some of these “attention getters” set for us. Today, with the world literally at our fingertips, we may find ourselves doing things and going places we shouldn’t. As long as we live, there will …

Six Words


How many of us pretty much do what we want to do? Most people, if they are honest, would say that most of their time is spent doing what is important to their family, themselves, or just to survive. The choices and decisions we make effect the quality of our lives, and many of us find life harder …

Frustrations to Blessings


In 1888, R.J. was born. His love of work in construction was embedded in him.  He was sure there had to be a better way of moving and hauling earth and heavy materials.  He began working on a more efficient way to get the job done, leading to his inventing over 300 different types of …

Handling Criticism


I don’t know many people who like to be criticized. It seems to rub most people the wrong way, even when it is meant to be constructive. Criticism can be healthy – even if the person is an enemy and tells us things that we need to hear when our friends won’t tell us. The smallest nugget of truth …

Your Insurance Premiums


Most of us pay insurance premiums of some kind. There is a wide range of types of insurance to purchase. Whenever there is a problem, we are always glad we have   insurance to protect us from what could become a disaster. Life insurance is one of the major policies many have in case of a loss of …

Today's Choice, Tomorrow's Result


Everyone has made bad choices, and we have paid the consequences for those choices. You may even have had to pay the consequences for the bad choices of others. Regardless, choices people make always have an effect on others. Even today, I still find myself rehashing the past and remembering the …

Only One Has the Full Power


There is an interesting account of who Jesus is in the first chapter of Mark. As we read verses 9 through 43, we are amazingly introduced to the person we call Jesus. After Jesus is baptized into the ministry, He faces a great time of trial. In spite of the difficulties, He continues to minister to …

Little Foxes


A fox is a cute little animal, and they range all over the Unites States and in many other parts of the world. The fox prowls mostly at night and can be very persistent when trying to get to food. They are considered to be very cunning and smart. In the Bible, God talks about being aware of the …

Why Look to Man's Solutions when God's Work?


Why does mankind seem to think they have the answers to the problems our Lord can face for us? How is it that a human being who is only on Earth for a short time- most of us less than 90 years- seems to have answers to the questions that were faced by generation after generation? Who is a man or …

The Intent of the Heart


There is a big difference in doing what we want to do and in doing what God wants us to do. Many people seem to pass off actions or decisions as doing God’s will, but in reality they are really doing something they want to do. To do things God’s way isn’t always so easy. Sometimes the intentions of …

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