

There are many ideas on wealth, whether they come from a Christian or non-Christian point of view. Money speaks loudly into everyone’s life, whether they have a lot or not much.  Life is not about how much wealth you have but what you do with what you have. Some folks are blessed and make much in a …

It may look good, but…


Everyone has been given a place in this world to make some kind of an effect- a difference, an impact- on others. And some people have been given levels of authority to affect a lot of people. These people, the Bible says, will have a strict judgment leveled at them because they’re able to affect …

What Can Jesus Do?


Some people think of Heaven as a place of peace, and it is. As a person reaches their mature years, they begin to ponder and wonder more often about this place the Bible calls Heaven. However, to experience the wonderful peace of Heaven, we need to arrive there first. Some folks believe they are …

The Rebellious House


 During the time when Israel was losing its nation because of its wickedness, God sent a man named Ezekiel to warn them of their sin. God told Ezekiel that if he didn’t warn Israel, the blood of the wicked would be on his hands even though they would perish. God told Ezekiel to warn even the …

Why Won't We Look to Who Can Help?


In a day when there is much to shake the foundations of government, it still surprises me at how our elected and appointed officials scramble to find answers. They’ll have special meetings, they’ll make big speeches, they’ll come up with ideas of what it will take to meet the state’s shortfall, the …

Those Who Lead the Sheep


This year, people will again be given the right to vote, make a decision and take a side. Politics have shaped much of our country and influenced every life in one way or another. Instead of holding to ideals our forefathers held to be valuable, many of our political leaders have begun to follow …

The Real Problem We Face


There are many talk shows, columnists, news events and speeches given about the “why” of life. We listen as crazy people do terrible things to each other and hear from this expert or that psychologist why they did it. We see political people make outrageous laws that don’t even make sense. We watch …

The Misuse of God's Blessing


                Many of us realize that we have been given the honor of being placed on earth for a purpose. It was not by chance, accident, to take up space or to wander around doing what we please, but to fulfill God’s plan.                 We are here, specifically placed by God through a man …

What are a Leader's Qualifications?


In an election year, every person running for office is either running on their previous record or talking it up about the goals and qualifications they have for the office they are seeking. I’ve heard it said, as I’m sure you have during these election periods, that the best choice is the …

Laboring for Nothing


Isaiah 49:4 is an interesting scripture that says, “But I said, ‘I’ve toiled in vain. I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity, yet surely the justice that is due me is with the Lord and my reward is with my God.’”  God knows us like no one else can. Isaiah 49:5 says: “ And now says the Lord …

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