You Didn't Arrive By Your Choice

No matter how you want to believe, you’re here by the choice of not just anyone, but God Himself. Not one person was ever an accident to be born into this world. You didn’t arrive on this earth by your choice. You had exactly nothing to do with it. Believe it or not, neither did your parents.

You think that sounds weird. Why? Do you not believe in God? If you don’t, then you must believe in something, and that belief will determine your life everyday. How is that going for you? Is everything working out for you 100 percent?

God is your true Father. He took a man that had the characteristics he needed and a woman who had other characteristics and united them. God still gets the benefit from this as well as whomever is born into the world this way.

Man violates God’s principles and pays a high price for it, but it still doesn’t mean God is any less in control. Your life is an opportunity to serve His purpose, or you can choose to do it on your own. It still doesn’t change the fact that He will take your life and do something great with it if you let Him. So are you?