Be About God's Business Now

We realize that all of us have our days of challenges and also of victories.
Today, the church in America is under many pressures.
Know that regardless of the outlook of the day, God holds the day.
He keeps the upper hand no matter what’s happening today or coming tomorrow.
If we are a true follower of Christ, we are going to accomplish great things. This world as we know it could be wrapping up.
The real believers, as servants of Jesus, will do great things to see God’s Kingdom expanded and miraculously touch lives.
Remember, Jesus told us in John 16:33, “In this would we will have tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
We are “overcomers.” We will prevail. This world is not our true home, but because of our relationship with the Kingdom of God, the true followers of Christ will be the ones that are getting ready now to impact the world like never before.
Be about God’s business now! Forget your own agendas and the cares of this world and be now about the Father’s business. Let God fill and refill your life with the spiritual power He has available for you for such a time as this. God wants you to participate. If you don’t, He will still do His part, but it will cost you for not doing yours.
Never underestimate to power of God. No matter what problems the world throws at Him, He can handle them all, and every one of yours as well.
He will never leave you or forsake you if you don’t forsake Him.