Am I Too Busy?


Yes, life is busy, and lots of people have their plate full most days. Watch people, examine their lives, and you will see what matters to them the most. The things that are important, lessons, housework, activities, and sports are the things that control their time. How much time do we spend with …

Daily Politics


The political system in any age at any time can become a very difficult process and sometimes a very ugly force to deal with. Politics bring with it many temptations and a great challenge to one’s character, as well as opportunities for compromising and offers disappointments that can only be met …

We Are Being Warned


I wonder how many people are considering what’s going on in the world around us. Day by day God is trying to send messages all across the earth to alert people that the time is very near for the great return we’ve heard about for many years: the day when Jesus arrives. You’d have to be so caught up …

You Can't Go Wrong with God


Have you ever tried to put an event or party together only to have what you worked so hard on to be a success turn out to be a flop? It happens at times because we are trying to guess what would draw people or be something everybody needs. How could we go so wrong? It can be very discouraging when …

Fully Committed


John Williams was brought up in a Christian family. As a child he spent time composing hymns and prayers for his own use, but by the time he reached his teens he had lost the faith of his childhood. When he was eighteen, however, he was converted and called to be a missionary. He was accepted and …

Are We Thankful?


How many days do we go about our business and never give a thought to the one who allows us to draw our next breath? We should consider this, for we are all here by God’s grace and never-ending love. I’d like to challenge you to stop what you are doing, right now, and take time to think about what …

Confusion, Reality and Our Destiny


Some people don’t recognize the one true God or follow His teachings. They turn to earthly teachings and man’s rules, believe the lies and practice their sinful ways without shame. Other folks pretend they know Him, try to bend His commandments and make Him into a God they can easily live with. …

It All Hinges on One Ingredient


Reading in Proverbs 3:13-18, the Bible explains the importance of communication with God, our Father. The words in Proverbs 13 begin with, “ Happy is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding.” And who doesn’t want happiness and to have His inside knowledge on how best to live …

Wandering from the Cross


The cross has been a symbol of Christianity for centuries. The cross represents God’s work through His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ. Churches and many Christians have the symbol of the cross hung on a wall or sitting in a special place. Crosses come in different colors, shapes and sizes. …

What is Greatness?


Henry was only six years old and loved to tend the garden with his mother. He worked hard and as he became a teenager was tending a garden of almost four acres. Henry used the family horse to work his growing garden and made deliveries with the horse and a small wagon. He had many customers and …

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