Do Not Imprison God

Your life has great value here on earth. You’re not just a social security number or a name to receive mail from the post office.
God has ordained your life to be here and to serve His purpose. Some, it’s sad to say, never even know their Creator. Oh, they know about Him, but there is no personal relationship.
But I believe the saddest of all are the ones that have known their Creator. There has been a place and time where they’ve come to accept His Son, Jesus, as their Savior. They’ve asked for forgiveness of sin. They’ve tried to live a good life, but that’s about it.
But that’s not all of it. Yes, it all starts with Jesus, and from there God wants to grow us into so much more than we can ever grasp. Our lives are to be like the water cooler that constantly needs to be refilled because it’s giving out so much of the life of water to thirsty souls.
But then I found that there are those whose valves are shut off or just trickle a little here or there, all because after they received from God what they needed, they then did little to share that experience and blessing with others. They seem to imprison the life of God within them and do so little for His kingdom when there’s so much to do.
Examine your life today. Take a real good look at it. Is there evidence that Christ Jesus is really alive in your life? Or is He just put in His place among other things? If so, let Him out of you more and enjoy the freedom.
Do not seal Christ within you. Let Him live and love and manifest Himself through you in whatever ways He desires, to whomever He chooses to touch. You have great possibilities regardless of your opinion otherwise.