The Object of Being a Christian

Why does a person want to become a Christian? I wonder how many people really considered the true reasons behind such a decision. I believe the two major answers come from these conclusions. One says, “I don’t want to go to hell; I need saved from this place at the end of my life.” Another says, “I want to be saved so I can go to heaven.”
While there is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain, this is not what being saved from your sins is about. It’s only the beginning.
God has a much greater purpose for your life, and Jesus didn’t just die for your sins and the gift to be given of eternal life. He gave you hope, a future, a new outlook on life and a chance to show yourself as one of His own. Jesus didn’t die and then rise again for you to be saved, forgiven and then sit out your life until its time to go to the next life.
God has big plans for your life now: to touch others, to draw them to Jesus, to show them the way to live out their daily life as one that represents His Kingdom purposes (not for their life and their purposes). Jesus changed your life situation so you would do his work while here on earth, to support His ministry opportunities and to be involved.
So be fruit-bearers today and help Him complete His full work in you. He does want to say, when your life is over here and you meet Him, “Well done good and faithful servant.”