The Cross is not a Lucky Charm

I remember many years ago when I used to wear a necklace with a turquoise cross on it and later when I hung one from my driver’s mirror. All the time I expected this symbol to somehow save me from harm or sin. But I didn’t know what the cross was really for until it became personal years later.
I see people who have a cross on their keychain but never give God a real second thought. I’ve been in businesses or homes where people displayed a cross, but their place was one that never lived it out.
The cross of Christ is real, and it is a symbol of Christianity, but the cross can never be real until you follow the principle the Bible says we are to really do with it. In Matthew 10:38, it tells us how to display the cross where Jesus says, “He who does not take His cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.” That’s the only way the cross has any power in our life or even any church.
When people surrender their lives to the life of Christ and bear His cross to a world of people who desperately need it, then it has power to save, to start anew, to live life to its full and real potential.
The cross is not a lucky charm to be used, worn or displayed. It will not have a magical affect in our life. It’s only when the real purpose is displayed as we live like Christ has called us to and bear His cross with our lives. Then it will have the true effect that it is entitled to.