
What is deception? It is when someone believes something is true or right, but in reality it is not. We now live in a great day of real, serious deception.

More and more people are falling into this; good people or not, they are being deceived.

Unless you know the real truth, you’ll let the forces of mankind’s control and a host of other things override what God says is truth. Isaiah 44:20 states, “A deceived heart has turned him aside…” Or in 1 Corinthians 6:9 it says, “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do not be deceived...” James 3:13 speaks of the last days of mankind by saying, “Impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Even those deceiving will also be deceived.

Political correctness is destroying the child of the true God. Why? Because so many have grown weak in their relationship with Jesus and are embracing too much of the world. Just because something looks good and honorable does not make it so in the true God’s eyes.

Some of the church has allowed the world to weaken its influence by doing good things that seem to them right but are actually being deceived into doing what is wrong according to God’s Word.

The true church of Jesus must not give in to mankind’s politically correct agendas or it will lose its effectiveness in the community, but most of all, its true identity with the true God.