Cooking the Spiritual Books

We all know what it means when someone is being dishonest with money, and the term “cooking the books” lets us know that someone that oversees this area is arranging numbers to make it look like there’s money where there is not.

Proverbs 20:10 talks about how God hates dishonest weights. That, too, means someone who is not being truthful and is cheating others.

So how can the term “cooking the spiritual books” have any meaning here? Well, when those who pretend to be Christians say one thing yet do another; they pretend to live a life as a man or woman of God, yet behind the scenes they are dishonest and deceitful. They go to church. They even read some in the Bible. They look morally pretty decent. But behind the scenes, they are being dishonest about the life they are really living.

Now, one that is good at it can get away with making things look good on the outside, but when the examination of what is on the inside starts to take place, eventually the truth will be revealed.

Some can fool man for a time, but nobody fools God even for a second. To call yourself a Christian will draw a deeper examination by God, and He can see what no other person can see. And His judgment has eternal implications.

Categories: The Christian Life>