He Does Speak, but Can We Hear?

God’s ways are not our ways. The Bible tells us this in Isaiah 55:8. So how God decides to do things will be as He knows best. God does speak, but it is rarely as man speaks, because God uses His own methods to do so without man’s help.
The Bible again and again tells us this. In 1 Kings 19:12, it says He spoke in a “still small voice.” In Job 40:9, it says, “Who can thunder with a voice like His?” So sometimes God speaks loudly and with more force. Psalm 68:33 reminds us He sends out His voice, a mighty voice, and He does this in ways to get our attention. And then in Psalm 95:7 He says, “Today if you will hear His voice…” God wants you to hear, but the world wants to shut His voice out.
What will you do? Are you going to listen above all that tries to crowd Him out? If ever people, especially Christians, needed to hear God’s voice, it is now. Our times are changing quickly, and God is trying to speak to many of us. Our ears and minds were made by Him. He knows how to get our attention, but He prefers not to do it harshly. But He will use what methods it takes because He loves us and wants to see our lives become what He created us to be, if we will choose to listen.
You still have an opportunity to hear. Listen now while there is time.